It's in these inexplicable moments that I feel I kinda understand life.
The feeling of a perfect song on my ipod as I cross 8th Avenue, the sun bright on the faces of all the humanity I pass. Our currency, smiles.
Life is flowing through me. That's what it is.
It's nothing I can catch or stop or halt.
You have to hang on to the wild, upside down, ride. Live in it.
Control is irrelevant.
We couldn't control this, if we wanted to. It's only the illusion of control that abates our fear.
But no, it's in letting the joy of the moment unfold in you.
It's feeling it fully as it comes and as it goes. The mighty tides of life. For where joy has laden at my table, sorrow is asleep upon my bed.
It is all life and all flowing onward.
It's when we want to be a dam, that we lose our capacity for real joy.
But no, it's in letting the joy of the moment unfold in you.
It's feeling it fully as it comes and as it goes. The mighty tides of life. For where joy has laden at my table, sorrow is asleep upon my bed.
It is all life and all flowing onward.
It's when we want to be a dam, that we lose our capacity for real joy.