thieving angels
I will walk on and be strong, under an unduskining sky.
I will watch the owls come in silhouette and bid farewell to the night.
I will know in my own heart that I am not weak, even though tears are cried and my vulnerability always speaks.
My feet are bare against the heart of the earth,
That is where I find myself, unharmed and healed from this lifetime of bruises and scrapes and scars.
That is where I find the compass embedded in my heart since birth.
Hard eyes of grit, I leave behind, watching my road for weakness, for blunders out of sight.
It's sometimes hard to dream at night.
I cannot look out through your hard eyes, but I have seen the view.
I have held your shoes and seen them worn.
I've even tried them on a time or two.
I know that special smell, leathery like coffee and like sweat.
But you have never even seen my shoes. Not then, not now, and never yet.
I am a little girl today, dragging a ragged doll.
I am muddy and wild and searching so hungrily for arms of comfort and safety.
But mine, small and freckled and thin, as they are, they will have to do.
My doll needs someone to hold her after all, just like you.
Dusk has descended and I am alone.
Alone against the dark of wild night, alone with just the burning of my strength,
What bright kindle for my fire, tonight.
Alone with the understanding that you will never meet me here.
Closed eyes and sleep about to capture me, like thieving angels taking flight..
Two tears, lest one be lonely, sneak out and glisten in reflection of the diamond night.