
Lazy afternoon
love making in the deep summer shadows
that are cast
from the paisley print curtains
gently blowing in the breeze.
Today, you are my everything.
When the sweet smell of night time clover
bent by the chuckle of the evening wind,
finds my face,
I feel alive.
Looking up into the big bulbous full moon,
bathing in her silver radiance.
Tonight, You, my moon, are everything.
Sleep in our eyes
and a lazy Sunday smile
dawn breaks over us,
His warm bare body
holding mine
he's kept me warm
throughout the night.
Right now, we are everything.
Music sways and sings and the lights are dimmed.
I can smell the collective sweat
and feel the delight
of a room full of dancers.
Through eyes closed
I feel the connection with every step.
Wrapped around your body I find my heart;
Pounding inside me
Stumbling to fly
and listening, harder than I ever have.
I don’t know even know your name, but this, right here, this dance, is everything.
fear swell in my heart,
it rises and clouds my head,
like milk spilled in still water.
Voices once so sweet
and full of melody
grate across my freckled skin
leaving me feeling ugly
and surrounded
and alone.
If only the daggers, pride and lust had not strayed to the heart.
You, were my everything.
Left hands held and smiles wide,
all our souls awake
with spring
and the desire for adventure
burning in our pockets.
Keys in the ignition and lights
on the dark morning
mountain road.
Girlish laughter
and the comfortable silence
of long time friends.
Happiness waits.
This, truly, is everything.